
Alcohol-based flux SSK-15

Recommended method of application
Manual- and repair soldering, dip soldering

No Clean-Flux, alcohol-based
Di-carboxylic acids, high resin content, halogenide-free (WEEE/RoHS compliant)
Type ISO-9454: 1131 // DIN EN 61190-1-1 1 (acc. J-STD-004) (IEC: ROL0)

Cat.-No. 2041

Technical Data

Appearance/smell:yellowish to amber, clear liquid
Hazardous goods:Yes
Solids content:15.0 wt.-%
Acid number:45 – 55 mg KOH/g
Available as concentrate:No
Density at 20 °C:0.830 (+/-0.005) g/ml
Flash point:12 °C
Durability:12 months


The SSK-15 soldering flux has a high proportion of solids and contains organic, halogen-free activation additives. The soldering flux can be applied using all conventional application methods, whereby spray fluxing is not advisable due to the high solids content. The main areas of application are in manual, repair and dip soldering. Due to the high resin content, the soldering flux residues are encapsulated.

Customer added value

  • Wide range of applications
  • Very good soldering properties (capillarity, wetting)
  • Broad process window (high thermal stability, good activity over a long interval)

Packaging units

Canister: 20 l