
flux gels Flux gel EO-FG-003

Recommended method of application
Manual soldering processes, repair work on printed circuit boards, reflow process, dip tinning, numerous other application processes

No Clean-Flux gel
Highly active and halogenide activated (WEEE/RoHS compliant)
Type ISO-9454: 1123 DIN EN 61190-1-1: ROM1

Cat.-No. 3847

Product similar to the image displayed.

Flux-Gel EO-FG-003_EN_520x520px


The No Clean-Flux gel EO-FG-003 is a high performance flux especially suitable for rework, hand soldering, dip soldering and strand tinning.
This flux gel was developed for manual soldering as well as repair work on printed circuit boards.
The activator base is a rosin-based strong effective formulation. EO-FG-003 is highly concentrated and is characterized among other things by high activity, as well as good wetting and spreading. Due to these properties, the Flux gel should be applied sparingly. The gel application can be carried out with a wide variety of application options, for example manually with the aid of a metering bottle (this enables an accurate application or positioning of the flux).

Customer added value

  • Perfect soldering results
  • Highly effective
  • Economical consumption
  • Even contaminated pads and component legs are activated
  • No crystallisation, paste remains homogeneous and stable
  • Careful and targeted dosing
  • Subsequent cleaning is not mandatory, residues can remain on the assembly

Packaging units

Dosing bottle: 50 ml, 100 ml, 1000 ml